Big news everyone.   We’ve revamped!
And things are going to look pretty different the next time you come through our doors!
We’re moving walls, we’re adding displays, we’re knockin down doors.  You’ve gotta come by and check out what’s going on.   Not to mention, we’ve got some crazy deals to go along with this renovation and the new era of the famed Just Drums showroom.

It’s our next evolution to better serve our customers now and in the future.IMG_4622
More cymbals on display.   More accessories in stock.   More of exactly what you want as a drummer. Whether a first time player learning to hit the skins, or a seasoned vet knocking out 4 gigs a week, we have prided ourselves for over 30 years of making sure we get what you want.

We’re in this for the long haul and are really excited with our changes to best prepare us for a continued existence.   We eat, sleep, breath drums (as do many of our customers!) And we want to be around to help everyone grow with this instrument.   We’ll look forward to seeing as many people as we can over the coming months and offer our genuine service and knowledge to assist any way we can.

The JD Team